HBO shows now available from the Google Play Store!
Despite millions of desperate cries, efforts to bring HBO (live) to the web have been unsuccessful so far. Even TWC’s CEO said he would be open to bundle HBO Go with internet subscriptions, but so far that continues to be just a hopeful suggestion. Things are looking brighter as HBO makes its way to more than just cable services, though, and today their shows have hit the Google Play Store!
You may not be able to watch the new episodes via the Google Play Store. You still need cable (or HBO Go support back!) in order to do that, but you can watch some of your favorite shows. HBO shows available in the Play Store include Game of Thrones, True Blood, The Newsroom and more. So if you need to catch up on older seasons, now you can hit your Google TV for your daily dose.
We can’t help but hope this is one of many internet-friendly moves to make from HBO. They can make a lot of money out of the online community. Go to HBO’s Google Play portal to see what shows, seasons and episodes are available. Enjoy!