Google starts getting offers for Motorola’s set-top box division?
Seems Google is simply disposing of unnecessary Motorola Divisions – Motorola’s Home Business being the first. This department is in charge of building set-top boxes for use with cable providers, a business we believe Google could have taken advantage of. Google TV would have been able to reach a much larger audience with the help of Motorola’s Home Business division, boosting its rather lack-lusting marketshare. The rumors are now getting much more heated as anonymous sources claim Google already has two offers – from Arris Group and Pace Plc.
It is no secret Google’s acquisition of Motorola was mainly to gain a strong patent portfolio, which would aid them in the fight against Apple and other patent bullies. It was never Google’s intention (or so they claim) to manufacture Android devices and other Google products via Motorola. It’s a possibility Google is simply not ready to move into the manufacturing business just yet, but Motorola set-top boxes with Google TV would have probably worked better than the Nexus Q.
Past reports state Google was looking to get about $2 billion for this division, but the deal might get a bit more complicated than expected. Complications may rise because Google plans to keep all related patents. There is still a 50% chance of this deal going through by the end of the year. Otherwise, it will be postponed for a later date.
Let’s just hope Google has some good plans to push Google TV further into our homes. Some great updates have been recently announced, but is that enough to take Google TV out of its hole?