Google CEO Larry Page suffering from vocal chord paralysis

Larry Page hands microphone to Sergey Brin due to vocal chord paralysis

larry-pageWe may all be excited over Google IO, but sometimes we have to step back a bit and take a look at life and what is really important. Google’s CEO, Larry Page, has taken it upon himself to give us an explanation of his condition, which we were all worried about after hearing him speak a few times over the last year. Just a day before Google IO, he has posted an explanation on Google+ giving the reason why he has stepped back and given Sergey Brin the microphone.

In his Google+ post, he explains how he has been suffering from loss of voice for a long time, soon after he suffered from left vocal chord paralysis after a bad cold. This allowed him to live a normal life, with the only issue being a slightly softer voice compared to others. The situation repeated itself last summer after yet another bad cold, causing him to partially lose movement in his right vocal chord.

Despite the situation, Larry is keeping a very good attitude about the situation, saying he now has to pick his words better, making him a better CEO. He is getting better, even though it is uncertain whether he will get his voice back or not. Surely, it must be hard to run Google under these circumstances. We know he will take down any wall in order to take the company, and its fans, forward.

Meanwhile, Larry has been learning more about vocal chord diseases and has decided to fund the Vocal Health Institute. It is a very rare condition, so there is not much information to move forward. Larry Page is using the power of the internet to try and collect more data, so if you have suffered from anything like this you can go ahead and fill out this survey. Please support, and let’s hope things soon get better for Larry and anyone who may suffer from this condition.

[Larry Page]

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Edgar Cervantes is a Contributing Editor for and has posted 171 articles. .