Android 4.2.2 for Google TV – What’s New?

So what’s the big deal about Google TV getting Android 4.2.2?


Google IO came and went and we were left with a huge itch for new Google TV devices. Needless to say nothing “exciting” was announced at Google’s yearly developer conference. In fact, Google TV wasn’t even mentioned during the keynote, but that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t a good year for us.

Google did announce that an update to Android 4.2.2 (and Chrome) would come to Google TV. Well, that’s pretty cool, right? We all love updates… but what is the big deal about it? Will it just help developers? Will it have some amazing new features?! Truth is, it probably won’t but it will improve the Google TV experience in the lung run. Here is how:

Apps, Apps And More Apps!

lg-google-tv-explodedThe biggest complain about Google TV is the lack of apps. Though it has enough to get us by, we don’t get even close to getting the amount of apps other Android devices benefit from. LG mentioned that its TV sets would get Android 4.2.2 during Q3, and that the main upgrade would be the ability to access more apps designed for smartphones and tablets.

Of course, most of these will not offer an optimal Google TV experience, but at this point I will be happier with some weird-looking apps than with no apps. We do still wish more developers would jump on board with Google TV, though. Did you hear LG is selling 10,000 Google TVs per month in the US? Maybe you want to jump on board now, devs!

Better Performance And Speed

We must remember Project Butter was introduced in Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, which included a series of enhancements that made the OS much smoother and faster. This means Google TV’s Android 4.2.2 update should bring these enhancements as well!

Google TV devices are usually not the fastest. We won’t blame that completely on the software, as Google TV’s specs also tend to be less than premium. Software probably plays a big part, though, and we can expect this update to do wonders, just like Android 4.1 did for smartphones and tablets.

Wrap Up

This year’s Google IO focused mostly on developers, which means that it focused on you! What matters most is your experience with Google’s products and services. Sure, we would have loved to see some exciting new toys to play with, but at the end what will benefit you the most? A better experience, and this is what Android 4.2.2 for Google TV is all about.

You want more apps? You are getting them (albeit not exactly the way we wanted them). You want a faster, better device? You are getting that too! It’s a win-win situation, guys.


About The Author
Edgar Cervantes is a Contributing Editor for and has posted 172 articles. .

  • Chris Chavez

    This update is HUGE for the future of Google TV. I’m surprised there wasn’t more talk about this. I feel like for the first time ever, the platform has a fighting chance.

    Let’s hope with all the new TV’s coming out with Google TV, developers will start catching on…

  • JoeTi

    I’m still rocking the revue but I’m about ready to throw it on another set and upgrade. The browser and large footprint app LAG is what has me waiting at this point. Since I/O turned out to be a GTV snoozer (imo) I feel like the current offerings are an in-between fix for the next big GTV step. I’m all in on the long term of the platform but….How much smoother is the dual core GTV options with JB?